
I had numerous appearances in press and radio in Germany and Austria in the last years. There were

columns in magazines and newspapers

  • 2017 in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung “Wohn-Knigge”: Tips for special decoration or styling problems

  • 2013 in the magazine WOHNIDEE (the idea was: “Show me your home and I tell you who you are”)


interviews and articles in newspapers, magazines und blogs:

Those interviews and articles were about my books, decorating, the psychology of habitation, tiny houses, home staging, affective rooms, the influence of colors, inheriting a house, the home office, the right design of the bedroom, living alone, living as a couple, art in your home, and many subjects more.

A few examples:

FAS 10.1.16

  • 10.06.2015 Psychologie heute: “Sagen Sie mal, Frau Perfahl: Wie schafft man sich ein Wohlfühl-Zuhause?” (Tell us, Mrs. Perfahl, how to design a happy home?)


interviews and shows on the radio:

  • 19.05.2018 RadioBERLIN 88,8: Live-show with listeners calling in: “Mein Sofa – dein Sofa. Wie Zusammenwohnen was wird” (My sofa – your sofa: How to move in together successfully)
  • 03.03.2015 Radio Energy Nürnberg: Interview  “the bedroom”
  • 26.10.2014 HR1 Radio: Interview  “The Couch”
  • 22.03.2014 NDR1 Niedersachsen Radio: Interview  “The first own apartment”
  • 12.11.2013 WDR5 Radio: Interview
  • 11.02.2012 Bayern 2 Radio: Interview “Gegen den Sofakoller – Risiken und Potentiale von Wochenenden daheim” (How to avoid cabin fever – risks and opportunities of weekends at home)